Java is one of the most popular programming language and millions of devices are running on java. As far as career in Java is concerned, it's career always has been bright. But most of the students are afraid of learning Java thinking that Java is very hard to learn. In actual, it’s easy and interesting to learn. If you are trained by professional and industry -experienced trainer in perfect way then learning Java becomes a fun.
We at Acesoftech Academy have skilled and professional Java trainers who has industry experience as well as great training skill. In this course we will be providing you Core Java training.
Java Introduction
What is Java and why Java is so popular?
Java installation and configuration
Writing your first java program
Java And Object Oriented Programming System(Oops)
Polymorphism and overloading/overriding
Class, member, attribute, method, constructor
Data Types In Java
Basic Data Types in JavaWhat is Valid and invalid identifiers?
Integers (byte, short, int, long)
Floating-Point Types (float, double)
Modifier Types
Variables In Java
Understanding variablesHow to declare a variable in Java?
How to initialize a variable?
Instance Variable
The Scope and Lifetime of Variables
Type Conversion and Casting
Automatic Type Conversions
Casting Incompatible Types
Automatic Type Promotion in Expressions
The Type Promotion Rules
Primitive variable and reference variable
Using variables of class type
Understanding Operators In Java
What is Operators?Assignment Operators
Arithmetic Operators
What is Unary Operators
Conditional Operators
Bitwise and Bit Shift Operators
Expressions And Flow Control
Using Schema And Structure DataIf else flow controlSwitch case
Looping Statements
While Loop
Do While Loop
For loop
Break Statement
Continue Statement
Expressions and Flow Controls
Array In Java
Declaration of ArrayCreating Arrays
Referencing Arrays
Array Initialization
Two-dimensional Array
Multi-dimensional Arrays
Array Bonding
Array Resizing
Copying Array
Using Classes And Objects
Single Inheritance
Access Control
Overriding Methods
Invoking Overridden Method
Virtual Method Invocation
Polymorphic Arguments
Overloading Methods
Methods using Variable Arguments
Overloading Constructors
Constructing and Initializing Objects
Object Class
Equals MethodEquals Example
ToString Method
Wrapper Classes
AutoBoxing of Primitive Classes
Static Keyword
Class Attribute
Class Method
Static Initializers
Final Keyword
Final Variables
Enum Types
Static Imports
Abstract Class
Concept Of Inheritance
Member Access and InheritanceA Superclass Variable Can Reference a Subclass Object
Using super keyword
Using super to Call Superclass Constructors
Method Overriding
Dynamic Method Dispatch
Defining an Interface
Implementing Interfaces
Nested Interfaces
Applying Interfaces
Variables in Interfaces
Extending an Interfaces
Using Abstract Classes
Defining a Package
Importing Packages
Up casting and down casting (instance of)
Final classes, methods, and variables
Java Generics
Generic TypesGeneric Methods and Constructors
Type Inference
Bounded Type Parameters
Type Erasure
Using Non-Reifiable Parameters with Varargs Methods
Handling Exceptions And Assertions
What Is an Exception?Catching and Handling Exceptions
The try Block, The catch Blocks, The finally Block
Exceptions Thrown by a Method
How to Throw Exceptions?
Chained Exceptions
Creating Exception Classes
Unchecked Exceptions and checked Exception
Use assertions
Distinguish appropriate and inappropriate uses of assertions
Enable assertions at runtime
I/O Stream JAVA
StreamTypes of Stream
Fundamental Stream classes
Input Stream Method
Output Stream Method
Reader Methods
Writer Methods
Stream Chaining
Command Line Arguments
Console I/O
Writing to Standard Output
Reading From Standard Input
Files and File I/O
Creating a New File Object
File Tests and Utilities
File Stream I/O
File Input example
File Output Example
Multithreaded Programming
Creating the ThreadThread Scheduling
Basic Control of Thread
The Join Method
Object Lock Flag
Releasing the Lock Flag
Using Synchronized
Thread State Diagram with Synchronization» Deadlock
Thread Interaction
Thread State Diagram with Wait and Notify
Monitor Model For Synchronization
The Producer Class
The Consumer Class
The SyncStack Class
The Pop Method
The Push Method
The SyncTest Class
Java GUI
Abstract Window ToolkitContainer
Positioning Components
Layout Manager
Border Layout
Flow Layout
Grid Layout
Box Layout
JDBC SQL Programming
Error Checking and the SQL Exception ClassThe SQL Warning Class
JDBC Types
Executing SQL Queries
Transaction Management
Level 3: Live Project In Acesoftech
There are several reasons to join the Acesoftech Academy for learning Web Design course from the Best Web Design Training Center In Kolkata, here we are highlighting some key features based on which you will surely find your answer that why to choose Acesoftech Academy for learning Web Design course? We included LESS and SASS in our Web Design Course.
We have included and applied Angular JS in our Web Design Course.
We have included and applied Bootstrap in our Web Design Course since 2014.
We have also included and applied HTML5 in our Web Design Course since 2012.
We have also included and applied CSS3 in our Web Design Course since 2012.
Who Can Join This Course?
Web Design is a course that opens its door to everyone from any discipline, or anyone who loves to do challenging and creative type of work. Still, here we are highlighting some key points that make someone understand who can and who should proceed to this way. A Project Manager who wants to monitor, supervise, and assiststrong> his/her team to achieve success can surely join this course.A Website Owner who wants to upgrade and maintain his/her website can surely join this course.
Anyone who wants to be a UI/UX Designer and establish his/her career in this field can surely join this course.
Any Web Designer who is already working in a company and want to upgrade and acquire deep down knowledge on this subject can surely join this course.
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