A website is a group of world wide web pages that usually contain hyperlinks to each other and are made available by an individual, a company, an organisation, a business, an educational institution or a government organisation, to people who use the internet.
Having a good website is crucial which means good website design is crucial. When somebody goes on to your website you want them to be kept interested, entertained, enthralled and you want them to stay! You want to achieve the person of the site - give the person what they are looking for.
So what does good website design entail?
Website design is a process where you first conceptualise what the site needs to do, i.e, what kind of site it is and what you want people to get out of it. You need to conceptualise the site, do the copy, get the images and then plan it by determining the layout, the colours, the texts and the structure. You then need to built it, using the text, graphics, images, and use of interactive features that deliver pages to your site visitors.
A website is easy to design. A good website takes skill to design. And because everything on the internet is so competitive these days, It is really important to have a good website. If your client wants to attract customers to his site, or if it is your own site, you are only going to attract customers by being professional.
It is pretty important therefore to know what you are doing when you design a website. Use a professional. Or - become the professional! Do a website design course. Specialise in website design. You’ll always get a job and your services will always be in demand.
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