React.js is a very popular web framework for client-side development and is highly useful for building mobile and web apps and reusable UI elements. It can be called React.js or simply React as it is composed of one of the JavaScript libraries.
React.js was created by Jordan Walke, a software developer at Facebook for the purpose of providing web developer with robust and scalable language which builds interactive user interfaces and increase the efficiency of single-page websites. React was displayed on Facebook newsfeed in 2011 and followed by Instagram in 2012.
React is an efficient and declarative language in which changes can be saved without the need to reload the entire webpage. It also helps in designing the view layer of the framework giving an appealing visual look to the interface and is strictly viewed in MVC(Model View Controller)architecture. This powerful JavaScript library can be used in conjunction with other frameworks such as Angular.js which further escalate its demand among programmers.
· Basically, React is used by developers for the following reasons:
· React.js is declarative
· It has two components- function and class-based
· It is easy to learn and can be applied immediately.
· It backs server-side
· It is extensive with rich UI libraries.
The following are the unique features:
1. JSX- It is also called JavaScript in XML and this syntax is commonly deployed by React.js it renders components onto the HTML page so that it can be used to create single-page applications and mobile apps. Components break the UI into reusable pieces of code and each piece is analysed separately with input from the user view and the corresponding React element is called upon to give the desired view to the screen or browser.
2. REACT NATIVE- React Native allows the retaining of native applications like iOS and Android using the React framework and it doesn’t manipulate the original DOM(Document Object Model) and it doesn’t use HTML as its base. Instead, it uses pure JavaScript and render components to create interactive UI. Moreover, it also absorbs the components or props of other languages such as Swift and Objective C.
3. ONE WAY DATA FLOW- React operates by the mechanism of props flow down and actions flow up which entails that when a set of fixed values are passed onto the components renderer a and properties such as objects and function then the component change value, instead they call for react framework which render the changes.
4. VIRTUAL DOM- React.js produces an inbuilt memory data structure which records the changes and updates in the browser. This activates a special feature which induces the developer to make variations as if the whole page is rendered but in the UI library of React, only components undergo the changes.
With the advent of web and mobile apps, there are rapid advancements in frameworks that impart quicker results in less time and they are highly efficient in building client-side development apps. Angular is one framework that has created waves in the front-end development so the whole part boils down to one question, why would programmers learn React? So let us take a closer look at the benefits of using React.js-
· EASE OF LEARNING – There is no denying the fact that as compared to its counterpart Angular, React is simpler to absorb as the developers do not have extra prerequisites other than learning the basics of CSS and HTML but with Angular, one also requires a solid base of JavaScript language.
· SIMPLICITY- React possesses a well-defined lifecycle, adequate components and JavaScript libraries to build visual and interactive web and mobile apps. Moreover, it uses JSX as its syntax which is very easy to use and the developers also have the option of skipping it.
· NATIVE APPROACH- What makes React so popular among developers is that it mixes React substructure with native platforms such as Android and iOS which gives the user a native experience without many alterations so it retains authenticity.
· DATA BINDING- react uses one way data binding by the use of flux controls in which components are rendered changes with the help of react elements changes are updated in the browser.
· PERFORMANCE- The developer can use RequireJS and Browserify through the use of Babel to inject dependencies as React does not provide built in vessel for dependency.
· TESTING- The applications made through React.js are quite easy to test as the state which represents the React views is tested by manipulating it and taking into account various actions and output.
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