Today, Twitter is not only an amazing social network, but a great digital marketing tool or, to be more precise, platform. More and more common people use Twitter and this also creates a perfect environment for promotion of your business. When you like someone's tweet you can retweet it. This literally means you've posted a tweet on his / her behalf. Why is retweeting so interesting and important?
When you retweet someone’s tweet, your own followers will be able to see the particular tweet from that particular person. If you've written an interesting tweet and many people are retweeting it, many people who do not know about you may become interested in you and/or what you have to say. They will probably click on your profile to see what else you wrote. If they like what you write, they will most probably start following you.
This is the basic concept behind retweeting. We are sure you have already grasped the idea and you surely think it’s brilliant. However, it is not always easy to get retweets. Even if you write interesting, shocking or amazing things, this does not guarantee lots of retweets. Why? There are tons of reasons, starting with basic ones, such as missing the “retweet button”, to more complex ones, such as not knowing the philosophy of this social network or writing in a rather pale, uninteresting language.
Read on and find out how to increase your retweets effortlessly, in no time.
1. Content quality
When posting something on Twitter, think like this: Would I retweet my own tweet? If you would, go ahead. If not, give up (or don’t expect retweets). It is sometimes as simple as that. Make sure you know what your followers are genuinely interested in. Otherwise, you might not only retweet but your followers as well. However, things are not always that simple. Let’s check what else matters.
2. Hashtags
People like being part of the crowd. We tend to feel more protected, our brain sees it as a defense mechanism and we often get adrenaline rush when a group we belong to succeeds in something. Hashtags are partly based on this psychology. If you use them in a smart way (do not exaggerate), you could yield some great effects on your twitter account. Using hashtags will most likely lead to a significant increase in number of your retweets.
3. Don’t forget the monkeys
Alike the hashtags which helps people identify themselves with the mass, @ is another powerful Twitter tool which helps users feel appreciated and paid attention to. If you are not sure what @ is, think of it as a tag.
4. Combine @ and #
Wow, that is a lot of interesting signs in one place! Simply put, tag a person in a group sharing the same interest, opinion or characteristic. Research shows that this combination, if not overused, leads to an amazing jump in retweets!
5. If I retweet, I’ll get retweets
Stick to this simple rule: retweet and watch your stats go crazy. People love getting retweets, so they will probably retweet your tweets themselves.
6. Right timing
The rule is very simple: if none of your followers is online, why tweeting? Tweet in the rush hours; you want to boost your content reach. Analyze your followers’ time zones, habits and activity and you will soon have an accurate pattern that will tell you when to tweet.
7. The Content... again
Alike the very first tip, content length is of crucial importance. Don’t use each character available. Leave some space for your followers’ comments. Having a chance to leave a comment significantly increases your chances of getting a retweet. Therefore, stick to 100 – 120 characters.
8. Connect with people
That’s what it’s all about, right? Connecting with people. These are social networks. Be social, then. Treat the networks that way. Reach out, send a message, respond to your followers’ messages, ask for a retweet every now and then by using Twitter “pls RT” or only “RT” phrases, appreciate others and show interest in their comments. These are ways in which you can build long-term relationships and get a steady increase in the amount of your retweets.
9. Power of links and multimedia content
As anywhere else, links, videos and images are great for your content. Such tweets get significantly more retweets than solely verbal ones.
10. Benefit from the influencers
Building connections with people who are already popular on Twitter will definitely bring you a piece of cake as well. Only one retweet by an influencer can make a huge difference for you. Similarly, others will start retweeting your content more and more, as they will hope to get into that sphere of Twitter.
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